With polyolefin as the carrier, different kinds of inorganic materials such as calcium carbonate, barium sulfate and talcum powder as fillers, the filling masterbatch is made by extrusion granulation. According to the actual needs of customers, provide customers with a series of products from low-cost to high-performance requirements, with the use of additions ranging from 5-50%.
All kinds of injection parts, extrusion, blister, blown film and other products.
1. Various inorganic fillers are available
2. Excellent dispersion
3. Inorganic filler content 60-90%
4. Added amount: 5-50% (optional according to actual demand)
类型 Type |
典型添加比例 Typical Addition Scale |
产品特点 Product Characteristics |
应用领域 Application Area |
碳酸钙粒径 Particle Size of Calcium Carbonate |
通用填充母粒 General filling masterbatch |
5-50%(根据实际需求 According to the actual needs) |
成本低,分散较好。 Low cost and good dispersion. |
适用于对碳酸钙粒径要求一般对成本要求较高的的注塑产品、中空板、压滤机板等。 It is suitable for injection molding products, hollow plates, filter press plates, etc. which require low cost for calcium carbonate and normal request particle size. |
400meshes |
中端注塑挤出填充母粒 Middle end injection extrusion filling masterbatch |
5-50%(根据实际需求 According to the actual needs) |
成本较低,分散好,碳酸钙粒径适中。 Low cost, good dispersion and moderate size of calcium carbonate. |
适用于一般要求的挤出、注塑制品,如打包带、家电、玩具等。 Suitable for general requirements extrusion and injection molding products such as packing belt, home appliances, toys etc. |
800 meshes |
高端挤出注塑填充母粒 High end extrusion injection filling masterbatch |
5-50%(根据实际需求 According to the actual needs) |
碳酸钙粒径细,分散好,光泽度较高。 Calcium carbonate has fine particle size, good dispersion and high glossiness. |
适用于要求较高的注塑制品及吹膜、流延膜,可满足复合、印刷要求。 It is suitable for injection molding products with high requirements such as blowing film and casting film, which can meet the combine and printing requirements |
1500 meshes |
高速拉丝填充母粒 High speed drawing filling masterbatch |
30-50%(根据实际需求 According to the actual needs) |
选用较细目数碳酸钙,经表面处理,分散好,性能保持率好,高速拉丝换网周期长。 The fine mesh of calcium carbonate is selected. After surface treatment, it has good dispersion, good performance retention rate and long period of high-speed wire drawing. |
高速拉丝编织袋、复合袋等。 High speed wire drawing woven bags, composite bags, etc. |
1500 meshes |
滑石粉填充母粒 Talcum powder filled masterbatch |
5-50%(根据实际需求 According to the actual needs) |
选用较高细度滑石粉,分散好,性能好,有效提高材料硬度,降低收缩率。 High fineness talcum powder is selected for good dispersion and performance, which can effectively improve material hardness and reduce shrinkage. |
适用于各种挤出管材类产品。 Applicable to all kinds of extruded pipe products. |
1500 meshes(滑石粉 talcum powder) |
高光填充母粒 High light filling masterbatch |
5-50%(根据实际需求 According to the actual needs) |
选用高细度硫酸钡,分散好,白度高,光泽度好,对制品透明度、颜色影响小。 Choose high fineness barium sulfate, good dispersion, high whiteness, good glossiness, little effect on transparency and color of products. |
适用于光泽度较高的吹膜制品、注塑制品。 Suitable for blown film products and injection products with high glossy. |
1500meshes(硫酸钡 barium sulfate) |